Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Temple

Hello everyone, I would just like to share a little thought I had on Sunday which I thought was pretty cool.

On Saturday as you would mostly be aware we went to hear Don Carson preach about a few different things and one of the points he stated was that of 'inner-canonical threads'. These are basically sort of 'topics' that are found continually throughout the Bible and continually develop throughout redemptive history. One such inner-canonical thread is the Temple. For instance, it started out as a tabernacle with God specifying its construction and dimensions etc, and then was transformed into the Temple by Solomon according to God's design again. Then of course Jesus stated that He was the ultimate Temple when He said that the temple would be destroyed and raised again in three days. Now of course we see our bodies as Temples and in the future heaven will be like the Temple, where God's glory dwells. He also made the interesting point that only twice in the Bible were there perfect cubes: Once was the Most Holy place in the temple and the other is the New Jerusalem (the massive city in heaven where we will live). This shows that in Heaven we will be constantly living in God's intimate presence. The most holy place was only entered once a year by one person, and fearfully because that's where God dwelt. But we will live with God unhindered for eternity.

Anyway, that was the prelude. On Sunday, I think it was Noel was talking about how the temple veil was rent in two to open the way to the most holy place. Now, when that happened, God was turning His back on Jesus and there was no light. Noel said it was like we don't need the light because now we have the light of the most holy place, we have the true light of God! That got me thinking, in heaven, in the New Jerusalem, we won't need a light either! Because God is light enough for us! I just thought it was wonderful both in the sense that we can view God as enough light for us (more than enough) and also how awesome a God we have that can fit these sort of messages throughout the Bible, linking a common theme throughout thousands of years of writing in the Bible.

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