Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ezekiel 30:26

How good it would be if we always learnt things before they caused something bad to happen! It is so often the pattern of things that we don’t realize what God is trying to tell us until something goes wrong in our lives, and we are forced to step back and take stock, and we realize that all along God has been trying and trying to talk to us.

Well, it was the same for the Egyptians. Carrying along with the theme (well at least I think) of Ezekiel, we find the verse:

I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations and disperse them throughout the countries. Then they shall know that I am the LORD.’ (Ezekiel 30:26)

Then they shall know that I am the LORD. These words permeate Ezekiel unmissably. And they carry both the weight of God’s glory and the implication that we are slow to understand it. For Egypt, it is only after they are scattered among the nations that they realize that God is actually pretty big, and their Pharaoh isn’t really much of a god after all.

Check your own life. Is there anything in your life that indicates that maybe you aren’t listening to what God is saying? Maybe it’s time to step back and take stock, instead of having it forced on you! Let’s be the first to know that He is the LORD.

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