Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Great Teacher

I was thinking about Jesus being the great Teacher. I was thinking of what that means for us. Because often we ask God to ‘show us what to do’. And I think often many of us think that the easiest way would be for Him to just plainly tell us the answer.

But what human teacher merely tells all the answers to his pupils? No, a teacher will teach more effectively by letting his students attempt to find the answer themselves, and guiding them towards it when they are heading down the wrong path. Just because he doesn’t tell them the answer doesn’t mean he doesn’t know it. In fact, that he can let them attempt to find it themselves shows more of a true knowledge of the answer, because guiding then towards it is harder than just telling them it! And when the pupils finally find the answer, it means much more to them, and they remember it far longer.

Do you not think that God may take the same approach with us? So don’t get frustrated if you ask God for answers and it takes a while and much effort to figure out. Because God is looking for dedication. And when God leads you to the answer, it will mean so much more.

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