Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Daniel 7:23-25

Daniel 7 is a fairly well known chapter which is a key chapter in eschatology. It describes (the ‘main parts’ of) Daniel’s vision of four great beasts that rise out of the sea – each different. The significance of each beast is not made obvious by the passage, although I’m sure many a biblical scholar has looked into it and cross-referenced with history, contemporary culture and other bible passages and drawn their own conclusions. The beasts represent four different nations who set up kingdoms on earth- that much is made very clear. However the fourth beast was different, for it was dreadful and exceedingly terrible, had iron teeth and bronze claws and ten horns. After a time, another horn rises and supplants three of the original horns, and this horn has eyes and a mouth! And the mouth speaks ‘pompous’ words. This beast is explained in more detail than the rest:

‘Thus he said: 'The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all [other] kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, trample it and break it in pieces. The ten horns [are] ten kings [Who] shall arise from this kingdom. And another shall rise after them; He shall be different from the first [ones], and shall subdue three kings. He shall speak [pompous] words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law. Then [the saints] shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time.’ (Daniel 7:23-25)

In my experience, most people identify the little horn that pops up as the Antichrist, whose kingdom is the ‘Revived Roman Empire’. This seems to me to be an appropriate interpretation. I will not comment too much on this particular issue, given my lack of expertise on the subject, and the many varied and often intense views thereof. However, I will say that I cannot recall any nation of the past having ten kings where one king came along and usurped three of them, with a particular vendetta against the saints of the Most High. This indicates to me that the nation representing the 4th beast has yet to come to fruition.

Again, from this passage, as with much of the prophets, we see God’s hand in history, seeing His sovereignty and pre-awareness of the future. We are in awe of how powerful and caring He is. He’s specially crafting and moulding our history so that it is tailor-made for His glory. And we are a part of that beautiful tapestry. Amazing!


  1. The four beasts of Daniel chapter 7 have an end-time role AFTER the Sixth SEAL (Re.6:12-17).

    The four beasts of Daniel chapter 7 are four kings who come up from the sea (Dan.7:3) arising out of the earth (Dan.7:17).

    These four beasts/kings ascend from the bottomless pit once it has been opened at the Fifth TRUMPET, the First Woe (Re.9:1-2, 12). These four beasts/kings ascend out of the bottomless pit at the same time.

    These four beasts/kings are "the transgressors" and are of a single nation with a plural kingdom (Dan.8:22-23).

    AFTER the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up (Dan.8:23). He is the little horn (Dan.7:8), the false prophet. He also ascends from the bottomless pit (Re.11:7, Re.17:8, Isa.38:18, Ps.28:1).

    The fourth beast of Daniel chapter 7 is seen in the book of Revelation as the beast of Revelation 13:1.

    The little horn/false prophet is seen in the book of Revelation as the beast of Revelation 13:11, and he is also seen as the scarlet-colored beast once he sits in the temple of God showing himself that he is God (2 Thess.2:4).

    The ten horns on the scarlet-colored beast’s head (Re.17:3) will have power as kings for ONE HOUR with the scarlet-colored beast (Re.17:12), one hour before the battle of Armageddon is fought (Re.19:11-21).

    AFTER the battle of Armageddon, the first three beasts/kings of the four beasts/kings (Dan.7:3, Dan.7:17) will have their lives prolonged for a season and time beyond the destruction of the fourth beast/king and the false prophet at the battle of Armageddon (Dan.7:11-12, Re.19:20).

    The spiritual opening of the bottomless pit (Re.9:1-2, Isa.38:18, Ps.28:1) is in the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is outside of Jerusalem, and will be outside of that great city, the holy Jerusalem (Re.21:10) in the new earth. In the new earth there is no more sea (Re.21:1). In the new earth, all those who have transgressed against God will be looked upon (Isa.66:24, Re.14:10)

    Patricia © Bible Prophecy on the Web

  2. Well that was quite detailed! I'm not sure about that last paragraph about the Dead Sea, and have never come across the idea that the ten horns will have power for the hour before armageddon, although, as I say, I do not claim to be anything like an expert on this stuff!
