Thursday, January 15, 2009

Isaiah 31:8

But you, Israel, are My servant,
Jacob who I have chosen,
The descendants of Abraham My friend.’ (Isaiah 31:8)

Wow! That verse just blew me away. We often view Jesus as our friend. That is one of our most cherished facts. But here it says Abraham was God’s friend. Viewing it that way makes it so special! Just think – Abraham was the friend of the God of the Universe! How special must he have felt? But remember, Abraham was only a person. Merely a human being like you and me. The difference was that God chose Him, and he had faith. Does that ring a bell?

God has chosen us. God chose us before we were conceived. And if we are Christians, we have put our faith in Him. So we are friends of the Creator of the Universe. Not only is Jesus our friend, but we are friends of God!

Can you even imagine that? Can you conceive the implications? We are His friends on Earth, here to tell others about Him. What a priviledge!

The previous chapter described how great God is. How magnificent beyond comparison. And this chapter shows us that we are His friends. He loves us. It’s a truth that we know so well that we often forget it. Dwell on it now. Think about. Close your eyes and feel how much that means to you. Thank God for it!

Let’s act like friends of God!

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