Jeremiah 9 is a chapter of mourning and sorrow. It begins with Jeremiah’s own mourning at his people’s wickedness. God responds by saying that He will ‘refine’ them through judgment. Then God tells Jeremiah to ‘call for the mourning women’ (vs. 17) because the people will be very sorrowful for the judgment that is called upon them.
The main line of accusation is the people’s hypocrisy. Verse 8 says ‘One speaks peaceably to his neighbour with his mouth, but in his heart he lies in wait.’ There are a few references to ‘lying tongues’. We conclude again that hypocrisy is abominable to God. What you speak, you must mean with your heart.
The verses that struck me particularly, mostly due to their complete clarity and forthrightness, were:
‘ Thus says the LORD:
“Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
Let not the mighty man glory in his might,
Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;
But let him who glories glory in this,
That he understands and knows Me,
That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth.
For in these I delight,” says the LORD.’ (Jeremiah 9:23-24)
The greatest glory that man can achieve is to know God. For God is the only One that is glorious. Every task undertaken by God on earth has His glory as its purpose. Therefore, as Christians, our goal should be similar, that is, our goal should be to give God as much glory as possible. This can only happen by living the life that He has set forth for us to live. This can only happen by us consciously living for His glory. What more can we glory in? Shall we glory in our own petty wisdom or strength? Or shall we glory in God’s immense awesomeness?
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